My Life

My name is Rene Descartes. I was born on March 31, 1596 in La Haye, which is now Descartes, after me I guess, in Touraine, France. All my life I was a Philosopher, Mathmatician, and Scientists. I enterd collage, Jesuit college of La Flèche in Anjou, at the age of 8. They accepted me a few months after they opened it. I studied there until 1612. I studied classics, logic, and traditional Aristotelian philosophy. I also learned mathematics from the books of Clavius. I was very good at mathmatician. I really only knew that subject, well at least. While I went to school, I really didn't know the other subjects as well as math. While in school I had very poor health conditions. So they gave me permission to stay in bed untill 11 o'clock a.m.

 I really started to study math and mechanics in the year 1618. I studied them under the Dutch scientists Isaac Beeckman. I also began to seek the unified science of nature. I started to travel. While I was in Paris,  I made an important contact who kept me intouch with the scientific world.

I settled down in the year 1628 in Holland. I started to work on my major works, science and math. When I got some of my works done, I didn't publish them right away. I had lots of scientific friends, and also the guy that kept me in touch with the scientific world. My friends then later pushed me into publishing my major ideas. Although I did not want to I decided to anyway.

After some of the math works were published, I had wrote some science works. Most of them were on the solar system and gravity. Some did not belive them, others did. There were also some on meditation.

In 1644, My Meditations was published, I visited France. I returned in 1647 and i met Pascal and argued with him that a vacume could not exsist, and them again in 1648.

The year after that, The queen orderd me to come to Sweden. I went to Stockholm as the Queen ordered me to. She wanted me to draw tangents at 5 o'clock in the morning. So I had to break my habit of getting up at 11 in the morning. Only a few months in the cold, so very cold northern climate, walking to the palace at 5 in the morning I died of pneumonia on Febuary 11, 1650 in Stockholm, Sweden.